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The ``Trans'' Menu


The menu which controls global transformation. In GRAPE as in computer graphics in general three-dimensional objects are represented on a two-dimensional display surface. In order to get a desired view, GRAPE provides several capabilities for defining transformations of three-dimensional objects. The choice of such transformations is interactively controlled in the Trans-menu.

Figure 4.17: Trans Menu

There are two approaches to obtaining a desired view of an object. One is to transform the object; the other is to change the position of the viewer (camera) and to choose new projections. Thats why the Trans-menu consists of two menus. The standard trans-menu allows the user to translate and rotate the object. The camera menu is based on the second approach.

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This button is used to switch between the object transformation menu and the camera-menu.

Switch the camera on and off. If the camera is switched off, othogonal projection is taken. The vector that specifies the look-direction is the z-axis.

Switch the global coord-system on and off.

Open a configuration layer for the global coord-system. This layer is the same as the one described in the project coordsys. 8.3.5

SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.