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Compute Methods on Explicit


   GRAPE(explicit, "compute-send")()
EXPLICIT * explicit
This is the main compute method for Explicit instances. It allocates new memory for the Geom2d instances the geometry is stored in if necessary, creates the connectivity for them and computes the domain and the geometry.

The default domain is rectangular, but you can supply you own domain transformation by setting a compute_arg function with

   GRAPE(explicit, "set-compute-arg")()
EXPLICIT * explicit,
see section for further explanations and for an example of a user-defined domain transformation.

To compute the surface point corresponding to the domain point the method

   GRAPE(explicit, "compute-explicit")(geom, num, z)
EXPLICIT * explicit
GEOM2D * geom
int num
is called with the domain point as third parameter. Normally the surface point is computed by evaluating the three coord_f functions and then stored as numth point in the geom instance.

You can replace this method with your own "compute-explicit" method if you want to compute something special which can't be described by the formulas in the input file, please see section for a detailed documentation and an example.

In contrast to Time_Object you should never replace "compute-send" to compute your own Explicit surfaces but supply a compute_arg function or "compute-explicit" method instead.

SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.