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Memory Methods on Explicit


   (EXPLICIT * ) GRAPE(Explicit, "new-instance")(name)
CLASS * Explicit
char * name
Create an instance of class Explicit with name name by calling "new-instance" on the superclass and creating the Domain_Parm instance domain_parm.

   GRAPE(explicit, "free")()
EXPLICIT * explicit
Delete a Explicit instance. All memory is freed by calling "list-free", deleting domain_parm and calling "free" on the superclass. See for details on "delete"/"free".

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EXPLICIT * explicit
"list-alloc" computes the total number of points and boundaries needed for all explicit surfaces patches from the domain_parm data -- which has to be initialized before "list-alloc" is called -- and then calls the "list-alloc" method on the superclass Surface. "list-free" just calls "list-free" on the superclass and on domain_parm.

In contrast to Surface_Build where each surface patch is stored in a separate Chain object all Explicit patches are stored in a single instance.

SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.