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I/O Methods on Fe2d


   (FE2D * ) GRAPE(Fe2d, "read")()
CLASS * Fe2d
This methods extends the superclass method, it additionally reads the finite element data, the corresponding finite element function is treated as linear. If successful the instance otherwise NULL is returned. This method is only provided for backward compatibility to read files written with "write", it is replaced by

   GRAPE(fe, "xdr")(xdrp)
FE2D * fe
XDR * xdrp
Read the instance fe from or write it to the XDR stream xdrp. This method should not be called directly, refer to 5.7 (especially 5.7.3) for details.

The fe-> data can only be handled if its size is a multiple of sizeof(double), i.e. when only double data for each vertex or element is stored in this pointer. The finite element function f is not handled by this function, it has to be set by the user after the data has been read in. See section 5.7.7 for more information.

SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.