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Other Methods on Fe2d



GRAPE(fe2d, "point-probe-send")()
FE2D *fe2d;
The value of the FE function at a position the user has to pick with the mouse is displayed.    
(FE3D *)GRAPE(fe2d, "rot")(name, n, fi, t2t, p2p)
FE2D *fe2d;
char *name ; /* name of produced Triang3d instance */
int n ; /* number of angles */
double fi ; /* angle in radiant */
int **t2t ; /* relation tetrahedron to triangle */
int **p2p ; /* relation 3d-point to 2d-point */
The parameters have the same meaning as in the method "rot" on a Triang2d instance (

Additional to the building of the tetrahedron from the corresponding Triang2d instance a 3D finite element function is constructed with the Fe2d instance function.

GRAPE(fe2d, "set-dim-of-value")(value)
    FE2D *fe2d;
int value;
"set-dim-of-value" sets fe2d->dimension_of_value = value.

GRAPE(fe2d, "interpol")(fe1, fe2, factor)
    FE2D *fe2d;
FE2D *fe1, *fe2;
double factor;
Same as "interpol" on Triang2d ( Additionally the Finite Element function data is interpolated. This only takes place when the function fe2d->f is used, therefore this method is as fast as "interpol" on the superclass Triang2d, but for evaluating the FE function on the interpolated instance fe2d (e.g. in "isoline") both fe1->f and fe2->f have to be evaluated.


GRAPE(fe2d, "get-info")(xlist)
FE2D *fe2d;
XLIST *xlist;
Create info xlist entries for a Fe2d instance. Entries are class, name, number of points, maximum number of points, number of triangles, maximum number of triangles, dimension of value and polynomial order.

   GRAPE(fe2d, "get-dim-of-value")(dimp)
FE2D * fe2d
int * dimp
Fill * tex2html_wrap44180 dimp with the dimension of value.

   GRAPE(fe2d, "get-min-max")(minimum, maximum)
FE2D * fe2d
double * minimum, * maximum
Get the minimal and maximal function value. This method is implemented on any class containing a function. It can be used adjusting the Colorbar.

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SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.