Programming tasks to Scientific Computing I
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCenterOfMassQuadratureDifferent quadrature types for triangular meshes
 CcreateConstantRHSAssembly operator for constant RHS
 CcreateNonConstantRHSAssembly operator for non-constant RHS
 CDiscreteFunctionDefaultShellFEHelper class to evaluate a discrete nodal function on a given mesh
 CDiscreteVectorFunctionDefaultShellFEHelper class to evaluate a discrete vector-valued nodal function on a given mesh
 CMatrixValuedIntegratorBaseGeneral interface for matrix valued integrators
 CShellElementWithTangentSpaceAtVertexTriangle which has a tangent space at each node
 CShellHandlerAdditional information about TriangleMeshes
 CUnitTriangleFELinWeightedStiffIntegratorProvides an easy interface to Finite Element operators of the form $ \mbox{div}(A(x)\nabla u)$, where $A$ is an ASYMMETRIC coefficient matrix. The corresponding matrix assembly yields $ \left(\int_\Omega \nabla\phi_i\cdot A(x)\nabla\phi_j dx\right)_{ij} $ for FE basis functions $ \phi_i,\phi_j $
 CUnitTriangleFENonlinOpIntegratorShellFEIntegrator for $ (\int_\Omega s(x) w_i(x) da )_{i} $, of some scalar valued function $ s$
 CUnitTriangMeshBaseFunctionSetP1Base function set for unit triangle. Unit triangle embedded in R^2 is given by the three positions (0,0), (1,0) and (0,1)
 CUnitTriangMeshConfiguratorP1Configurator for $\mathcal{P}^1$ Finite Elements
 CDataTypeContainerShellFEContains typedefs of several Eigen data structures
 CStiffnessMatrixIntegratorAssembles $ \sum_{EL} \int_T \sqrt{\det g} g^{-1} D v_i \cdot D v_j $