

Real-time software for the femoral neck fracture prediction U. Weikard

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Surfactant driven flow of thin liquid films G. Grün, M. Lenz, M. Rumpf

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Multilevel methods for fast non-rigid matching problems M. Droske, U. Clarenz, M. Rumpf

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Morphological registration of images M. Droske, M. Rumpf

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A cascadic geometric filtering approach to subdivision U. Diewald, S. Morigi, M. Rumpf

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Robust classification of surfaces U. Clarenz, U. Diewald, M. Rumpf, A. Telea

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Anisotropic geometric diffusion in surface processing U. Clarenz, U. Diewald, G. Dziuk, M. Rumpf

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Anisotropic geometric diffusion in 3D image  analysis T. Preusser, M. Rumpf

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Multilevel composite FE methods for image based medical computing M. Rumpf, S. Sauter

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Phase separating systems with elastic misfit U. Weikard

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Transport and anisotropic diffusion in timedependent flow visualization D. Bürkle, N. Olischläger, T. Pruesser, M. Rumpf

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A finite element method for surface restoration using Willmore flow U. Clarenz, U. Diewald, G. Dziuk, M. Rumpf, R. Rusu

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Boundary Element Simulation of Sharp Interface Models for Phase Separation with Elastic Misfit M. Lenz, M. Rumpf

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