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Functions for Triang2d


For the TRIANG2D structure see 6.3.1.

int g_get_opp_vertex (INT3 vertex, int node1, int node2)
return index of the third point in the triangle (i.e. return vertex[i] if vertex[i] != node1/ node2) or -1 if the function fails

int g_get_opp_vertex_ind (INT3 vert, int node1, int node2)
return local index of the third point in the triangle (i.e. return i if vertex[i] != node1/node2) or -1 on failure

int g_get_opposite_vertex (TRIANG2D *tr2d, int triangle_ind, int node_ind)
return the index of the point in the neighbour triangle (opposite to node_ind) which has triangle_ind as neighbour

int g_get_triangle_with_edge (TRIANG2D *tr2d, int node1, int node2)
return the number of a triangle within tr2d that contains both vertices node1 and node2

int g_triang2d_get_cls_pnt (TRIANG2D *tr2d, VEC3 p)
return the index of a point within tr2d as close as possible to p

int g_triang2d_get_cls_not (TRIANG2D *tr2d, VEC3 p, int ind)
return the index of a point within tr2d as close as possible to p which is not tr2d->x/y/z[ind]

double g_triang2d_get_edge_length (TRIANG2D *tr2d, int tr_ind, int node_ind)
return the length of the edge that is opposite to the node_ind'th vertex of the tr_ind'th triangle within tr2d

double g_triang2d_get_size (TRIANG2D *tr2d)
compute the maximal distance between points of the triangulation

double g_triang2d_get_vertex_angle (TRIANG2D *tr2d, int tr_ind, int node_ind)
return angle point with index node_ind in the triangle tr_ind

int g_triang2d_point_equal (TRIANG2D *tr2d, int p_ind, int q_ind, double eps)
return 1 if the distance between the points with indices p_ind and q_ind is smaller than eps

double g_triang2d_point_sqrdist (TRIANG2D *tr2d, int p_ind, int q_ind)
returns the square of the distance between the points with indices p_ind and q_ind.

SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.