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  (subclass of Button)

An XList_Button is a very special kind of Button, when it is created (using "new-instance") an XList contained in a Layer is created as well. In its action, i.e. when it is clicked, the Button will show the Layer to allow using the XList; of course XList stands for any subclass of XList.

When the button is freed it will delete the Layer and the XList as well.

   (XLIST_BUTTON * ) GRAPE(XList_Button, "new-for-xlist")(meth, inst, name, get_data)
CLASS *XList_Button
char *meth
char *name, *get_data
This method creates a Button, which will pop-up an XList, if you press the button. The XList will then send the method defined in the parameter "get-data" to itself. This method has to fill the XList with data. If the user ends the selection of a list element using the XList's OK- or Cancel-button, the method meth will be send to the instance inst. This method must also hide the XList by sending the method "hide" to the XList's Layer.

   (XLIST_BUTTON * ) GRAPE(XList_Button, "new-for-filelist")(meth, inst, name, get_data, wildcard, open_mode)
CLASS *XList_Button
char *meth
char *name, *get_data, *wildcard
OPEN_MODE open_mode
This method will create a button, which will pop-up a file-list, with the same principal as "new-for-xlist". Additional to "new-for-xlist" you must define a wildcard, to select the files you want to see in the file-list. With the parameter open_mode you can define if the file should be opened for reading or for writing. Normally the get_data parameter should be "get-files".

   (XLIST_BUTTON * ) GRAPE(XList_Button, "new-for-methlist")(meth, inst, name, get_data, end_of_meth, nr_of_additionals, additionals)
CLASS *XList_Button
char *meth
char *name, *get_data, *end_of_meth
int nr_of_additionals
char **additionals
This method creates a button, which will pop-up a method list with the same principal as "new-for-xlist". If the value of end_of_meth is != NULL, only method, whose names have the correct ending will be added to the list, for example this "-disp" to get only display-methods. With the additional parameters a number of methods can be added to the list, which don't need to have the correct ending, for example "display" to add the default-display method to the list of display methods. Normally the get_data parameter should be "get-methods".

   GRAPE(butt, "set-label")(label)
char * label
Like "set-label" on the superclass Interactive, but the label is used for the assiciated XList as well.

   GRAPE(butt, "share-path")(other)
XLIST_BUTTON * butt, * other
If butt and other have been created by "new-for-filelist", the associated FileLists share their working directory hereafter.

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SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.