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The following class Cloud a subclass of Root is dedicated for the animation of larger sets of particles. A timestep list of Cloud objects stores this information. The typedef structure for a cloud instance is as follows:


#CLASS Cloud : Root {
  int number_of_points;
  VEC3 *x;


GRAPE(cloud, "display")()
CLOUD *cloud

In the grid mode for each point of the cloud a cross with lines in x,y and z direction is drawn. In patch mode every point is rendered as a small ball. The radius can be scaled in the interactive environment varying a ruler.


GRAPE(cloud, "interpol")(cloud1,cloud2,lambda)
CLOUD *cloud,cloud1,cloud2
double lambda

An interpolated Cloud object represents the convex combination in between two given cloud objects cloud1, cloud2.


CLOUD *GRAPE(tr2d,"2cloud")()
CLOUD *GRAPE(tr1d,"2cloud")()
CLOUD *GRAPE(s,"2cloud-send")()
CLOUD *cloud
Triang1d *tr1d
Triang2d *tr2d

Besides explicit generation of cloud objects by specific methods there are conversion routines at hand to convert curves and surfaces of Triang1D or Triang2D type to Cloud objects containing solely the edges of the latter geometries. The "2cloud-send" method on scene invokes the sending of "2cloud" message to the scene object and replaces the latter by the generated cloud.


SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.