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Geom2d adds further instance variables for normals, vertex and element colors, boundary curves and parameter lines to its superclass Adapt2d. Depending on the instance flag these new elements are used by the Geom2d methods, e.g. the display methods only display the surface, the boundary curves or the parameter lines if the corresponding flag is set.

This class is used by Surface and all its subclasses to build up complex geometries, see section 7.4.3. Some projects also provide methods for Geom2d, especially Dual (8.2.7, discrete minimisation and conjugation algorithms) and Build (8.2.4, creating triangulations).


#CLASS Geom2d : Adapt2d {
  int flag;           /* 0x1  GEOM2D_ACTIVE   don't modify if FLASE */
                      /* 0x2  GEOM2D_DISPLAY  don't draw geom if FALSE */
                      /* 0x4  GEOM2D_USERNORM don't comp. normal if TRUE */
                      /* 0x8  GEOM2D_DISP_BND don't draw bnd  if FALSE */
                      /* 0x10 GEOM2D_DISP_HOR don't draw hor  if FALSE */
                      /* 0x20 GEOM2D_DISP_VER don't draw ver  if FALSE */
  VEC3 *normal;
  VEC3 *color_vertex;
  VEC3 *color_patch;
  LIST_OF_INST *bnd_curve;
  CHAIN *hor, *ver;

SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.