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Other Methods on Triang1d


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TRIANG1D * triang, * tr1, * tr2
double factor, fac1, fac2
Linear interpolation of the two Triang1d instances tr1 and tr2 with factor:
triang = (1 - factor) * tr1 + factor * tr2
or with factors fac1 and fac2:
triang = fac1 * tr1 + fac2 * tr2.
If necessary new vertex lists are allocated for triang.

The two Triang1d instances are interpolated pointwise, therefore they must have the same number_of_points.

   GRAPE(triang, "reflect")(trfmat, orient)
TRIANG1D * triang
MATRIX44 trfmat
int orient
Create a new Triang1d instance from triang with triang-> number_of_points points which are transformed with trfmat. If trfmat is NULL the points are copied without transformation. The orientation flag orient is not needed but supplied so that all reflection methods have identical parameter lists. The reflected Triang1d instance is returned.

   GRAPE(triang, "model")(mat)
TRIANG1D * triang
MATRIX44 mat
Transform all vertices of triang with mat.

   GRAPE(triang1d, "close-send")()
TRIANG1D * triang1d
Overwrite the last point of triang1d with the first one to assure it is closed.

   GRAPE(triang1d, "refine-global-send")()
TRIANG1D * triang1d
Insert a new vertex in the middle of each two vertices of triang1d. A non existing triang1d-> z is handled correctly.

   GRAPE(triang, "get-bnd-box")(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)
TRIANG1D * triang
double * xmin, * xmax, * ymin, * ymax, * zmin, * zmax
Calculate the bounding box of triang, i.e. fill the parameters with the minima and maxima of the vertex values.

There exists a method "insert-bnd-box-send"() on class Root which inserts a bounding box into the data hierarchy tree, only requiring a "get-bnd-box"-method on the class.


GRAPE(triang1d, "get-info")(list)
TRIANG1D *triang1d
LIST *list
Create info list entries for a Triang1d instance. Entries are class, name, number of points and maximum number of points.


GRAPE(triang1d, "show-send")()
TRIANG1D *triang1d
Print the data of a Triang1d instance to stdout.


GRAPE(tr, "c-show")()

The data of an instance tr is written to the standard output. The output looks like a C source file.


GRAPE(triang1d, "reset")()
TRIANG1D *triang1d

Reset triang1d->number_of_points to zero (only needed in universal mode (see 5.4.8)).

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SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.