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Other Methods on GenMesh

  GRAPE(mesh, "xdr")(xdr)

XDR *xdr
This method implements XDR interface of GRAPE for the class GenMesh. To use the read/write facilities of GRAPE, one has to overload this method.


(GLIST *)GRAPE(mesh, "get-function-list")()


The list f_data of instance mesh is copied into a GLIST * and this is returned. The method recognizes eventual occurance of circular lists and corrects it.


(GENMESH_FDATA *)GRAPE(mesh, "get-function")(create, preferred_slot, next_slot, ...,
least_slot, NULL)
char *create, *preferred_slot, *next_slot, *least_slot

This method fulfils two tasks: First a new slot is created with name given by the string create, if this is not NULL and a slot with that name does not already exist. Second the slots of mesh's function selector given by the following parameter-strings are inspected one by one. If a function has been selected for one of these slots, the data of this function is copied into the return parameter.


(GENMESH *)GRAPE(mesh, "select-function")(slot,function)

char *slot,*function

This method selects function for the given slot. If the slot does not exist, it is created.


(GENMESH *)GRAPE(mesh, "get-info")(list)

XLIST *list

Generates list with structure-dependent information of mesh like all GenMesh-entries and names of all functions in mesh's f_data-list.


(GENMESH *)GRAPE(mesh, "get-access-mode")(flags)


This method gets the actual access_mode entry of instance mesh. Valid values are combinations of predefined flags mafNone, mafSorted and mafBoundary. The result is returned in flags.


(GENMESH *)GRAPE(mesh, "set-access-mode")(flags)


This method sets the parameter flags as actual access_mode entry of instance mesh. Valid values are combinations of predefined flags mafNone, mafSorted and mafBoundary.


(GENMESH *)GRAPE(mesh, "get-picked-point")(element,coord,point,key)

void **element
double *coord
VEC3 *point
int *key

This method allows picking a point either directly in the output-window by clicking left mouse-button or pressing 'p' while pointing on the output-window. In this case a layer for entering the point's coordinates pops up. This point is then searched in the given mesh by calling the appropriate search-method. All parameters are return-parameters: point contains the world-coordinates of the picked point, key contains 1001 if left mouse-button was pressed, 1002 or 1003 for other mouse-buttons and 'p' if this key was pressed. The element that contains the picked point and its local coordinates are returned in element and coord.

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SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.