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This routine calculates the maximum and the minimum of the function on an element. In the mask we find:

static void get_bounds(HELEMENT2D* helement,
                double*     min,
                double*     max,
                void*       function_data)
  *min = ...;
  *max = ...;

And we adapt this to our piecewise linear function:
static void get_bounds(HELEMENT2D* helement,
                double*     min,
                double*     max,
                void*       function_data)
  USER_FUNCTION_DATA* user_function_data;
  double*             function_values;
  int i;

  user_function_data = (USER_FUNCTION_DATA*)function_data;
  function_values    = user_function_data->function_values;

  *min = function_values[helement->vindex[0]];
  *max = *min;

    if(function_values[helement->vindex[i]] < *min)
      *min = function_values[helement->vindex[i]];
    if(function_values[helement->vindex[i]] > *max)
      *max = function_values[helement->vindex[i]];


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SFB 256 Universität Bonn and IAM Universität Freiburg

Copyright © by the Sonderforschungsbereich 256 at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn.