
The Cameloid is a one-parameter deformation of the fournoid of Jorge-Meeks (see postscript-files below). It contains a minimal surface that has all symmetries of a tetrahedron (see third ps-file). In general there are four points where 180-degree rotation around the normals is a nontrivial symmetry of the surface. Additionally there are two perpendicular planes of reflectional symmetry. The four catenoid-ends of this surface intersect, so the family is not embedded. In the limit you get two touching catenoids.

How do I get the complete surface from the symmetries when using GRAPE?

The input file name of these surfaces is

The fundamental piece has two planar geodesic lines and one point where 180-degree rotation around the normal is a symmetry. First of all, you have to find the point with rotational symmetry. After rotational-reflection you have to reflect along the two planar symmetry lines.

For further information see also the article "Das Cameloid", which was published in the GRAPE newsletter volume 2.

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